Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Our Silicone Molds:

  1. How can I place an order? You can place an order by simply adding the selected molds to your cart on our website and following the ordering instructions.

  2. What delivery options are available? We offer delivery throughout North America and Europe. Orders over $50 qualify for free shipping or expedited delivery.

  3. How long will it take for my order to be delivered? The delivery time depends on your location. Standard delivery usually takes 5 to 10 days.

  4. How quickly will my order be assembled and shipped? Considering that our molds are handmade, your order will be ready for shipping within 2 business days after it's placed on our website.

  5. How can I track my order? After your order is shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number that you can use on the delivery service's website to monitor your package's status.

  6. What should I do if my order arrives damaged? If your order arrives with damage, please take photos of the damaged molds and packaging, and contact our customer support for assistance.
  7. What is the return and exchange policy? We accept returns and exchanges within 30 days from the receipt of your order. Please review the details on our "Return Policy" page.
  8. How can I get in touch with our customer support? You can reach our customer support team via email at [insert address] or by phone at [insert number] or Instagram.